T-O  Rebecca Hargrave Previous
AKA webchick

URL media.org
Email webchick@media.org
Bio webchick is best known for her independent content productions and innovative site designs, which are widely regarded as important contributions to the Web. Her creative work has received numerous awards, and has been profiled by a variety of organizations, including ABC News, Internet World, Project Cool, Cool Site of the Day, Communication Arts, and The Art Directors Club of New York.

In a former life, she co-founded a small but mighty web development firm and served time as Creative Director for a Silicon Valley Internet start-up. An ardent believer in the power of the web, she explored the potential of the medium at every opportunity. She also fueled several long-running independent projects in her "spare time" while wiser people were sleeping.

In Y2K, she escaped the dot-com revolution and co-founded media.org where she currently works on dreams full-time with partner and collaborator, Carl Malamud.

Links Saving Private Art - Digital storyteller Rebecca Hargrave discusses her Private Art site and how she puts a human face on the Web.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T - A rant about respecting the work of others in the digital age.

A Conversation with webchick - An Interview with WebbieWorld.

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