
An Open Source Development Effort » Version 0.6a Released
Conversations on the Internet are often disjointed and unidirectional. Flame wars break out, people blog each other
to death, and communities form and break down. In many cases, conversations are occuring in many different places
on the same topic. The SpaceMapper effort was born from the classic Internet desire to see if there is a better
As history has revealed, the best ways are often found by people with a strong passion for
their work as well as shaping the future for the common good.
In an effort to find these types of people to echo their enthusiasm for the SpaceMapper project,
turned to the open source community by enlisting the services of collab.net's
SourceXchange. The search paired up
webchick and Carl Malamud
of media.org with the noLimits development team, and the project is currently funded through the 501(c)(3) non-profit arm of media.org.
Mappa.Mundi Magazine will serve as the focal point for this open source development effort.
The magazine has supported open source efforts through rhetoric, and the people behind the magazine
have supported the efforts through action.
Mappa.Mundi thus seems the ideal home for the SpaceMapper effort, and we encourage you to check back over the next year
as this page is updated with additional news and information about the project.
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