Frances Sherwood is the author of two novels and many short stories. In 1993 she published Vindication, a fictional account of the life and times of the 18th century protean feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft, the mother of Mary Shelley. It was followed by her novel Green, the story of Zoe, a woman coming of age at the end of the beat era, a time of cold-war fears, communist witch hunts, racial unrest and dharma delusions.
Frances is a two-time O.Henry Award Winner.

» "Basil the Dog" on The Atlantic Monthly. Frances Sherwood's Nebula Award nominated short story.
» Review of Frances Sherwood's novel Green by Susan Moke


About This Vision

This Vision is based on an interview by Michael Kouroubetes.
He received the Lester M. Wolfson Award in 1992 for his short play Guard Duty, and again in 1996 for short fiction. He is the screenwriter, assistant director, executive producer, and an actor in the suspense thriller A:\kill and has written the short film Plunge soon to be released.
I see words
I see words spreading, proliferating and democracy...
I write historical novels and customarily think retrospectively. Yet, my instrument of operation, my tool par excellence is the computer. I am able to manipulate a lot of information, move it around, play with it because of my machine. This is not to mention the research opportunities it affords me, the easy ordering of books, and quick communication with experts in my field.
Furthermore, as far as I am concerned the Internet, cyberspace, and the computer make up a revolution akin to Gutenberg's moveable type in the fifteenth century. We speak today of computer literacy. That means literacy. People who would not think of writing letters correspond by e-mail. Kids are reading games, instructions, doing school work, learning new things on computers at home, in schools and libraries. People who shun books, but like gadgets, are using the computer like mad, and in fact will soon be reading books on hand held computers. To me, it is a very democratic movement, something that reaches everybody, and a real triumph of the word.
I want my future work not only printed in a book, but online and available every way possible. I look forward to chatting with my readers, getting linked up to the reading world. What could be more lively?
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